Thursday, October 31, 2013

What Is Love Meaning Of Love

The True Meaning Of Deep Love

What IS Love? Deeply in Love...

Today's little article approaches love with a total and two-sided view...  "I've looked at clouds from both sides now..." sang Joni Mitchell in the 1960s and we listened intently...

LOVE is not a simple, always positive, one attitude emotion or thing. There is tough love and dishing out of discipline, within love! It is a form of Total Caring....
Here is the article. I find it kind of enlightening ...

Look Out for Love

There are many expressions of giving and sharing love. If we only zoom in on the ones we are expecting to receive, and in the forms we wish to receive them, we can miss out on all the other ways that love is flowing towards us.

As a mother bird pokes at her chicks to encourage them to leave the nest and fly, the onlooker may perceive it as an act of abuse. Yet just as she shows her love by endlessly searching for their food, she also shows it by pricking and prodding them. A cat will also push her kittens away so that they can learn to be independent. Even a human parent will allow his or her toddler to fall over a few times, so that they can learn for themselves to get up again and to begin to walk. There are many people who have written about their mother being mean to them in childhood, yet I wonder if mothers were intentionally being cruel, or if they truly believed they were doing what was in the best interest of the child.

Although to love means to care and give time when it is needed, it also means to detach and to exercise law when it appropriate.

Love means to be engaged and responsive, but it may also mean to stay uninfluenced, neutral and unbiased at times. In an interaction, sometimes one may decide to step in and say something, and at other times to stay silent. In the same way mercy may be valid at certain times, but in other situations assertiveness is needed. To listen is often important, but to sometimes turning a compassionate deaf ear may also be necessary. Yet in all these situations we don’t need to stop loving. This is the wisdom of love filled with respect, rather than with selfishness.

These days love is very often trivialized with plastic hearts and cardboard lips. Yet love is surely something deeper, richer and more meaningful. It needs a subtle eye and a subtle ear to be able to catch real love. We may be looking for it in kisses and hugs, which may be few and far apart and short-lived. They can also be filled with wrong intentions. But heartfelt love could just as easily come to us in a thoughtful word or action, a listening ear, or an appreciative glance – all of which we could easily miss with the blink of an eye.

We can understand from the above that love manifests itself in many forms, but we are only able to see it and catch it if we are able to stay positive, open and willing to receive it in whatever form it shows itself. Once we get into a negative rut of self-pity, then even if the light of love is shining our way, we will miss it as we busily wallow in our pain.

The problem occurs when we expect love to come, rather than to allow it. When I want to receive love only in a certain way, and from a certain individual, then I am ignoring the spiritual laws that tells us that we cannot demand ‘love’. And when our demands are not met it becomes the cause of many a heartache and the reason for conflict and separation in relationships. Only love without expectation is true love, and this kind of love automatically brings a return, and it may turn up in the most unexpected ways.

We talk a lot about love, but love is the language of feelings – words and even our thoughts can sometimes get in the way. Should I push or pull, should I come closer or detach? These questions are not love. If I don’t feel light and happy then it’s probably not love – it’s more likely to be attachment or dependence.

Therefore, if every morning we can set our feelings straight and our intentions right, then no matter which choice we make we will feel good because we are coming from that deeper place of love within ourselves, that pure consciousness that can never be wrong. We will radiate true love and others will tune in to our positive intention.

Ironically, love is both the question and the answer, the lock and the key. It is only by giving what we most desire, that we can receive it. We are all on a journey of rediscovering that key and how to open doors that let in the light.

It’s time… to stay positive, open and willing to receive love in its various forms coming your way right now. Don’t expect or demand love instead check your feelings and intentions, set them right with your pure consciousness and whatever springs from there will be absolute love.

Aruna Ladva  -  thank you deeply and most sincerely for your enlightening article!

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Geoff Dodd
G & G Creative Enterprises, Hong Kong.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Love Romance Marriage For Women

Chinese Women! Hong Kong Woman Find Love!

You are a woman, out in this World, alone and lonely at times... wanting to find love, true deep romance, and finally, to settle down in a happy marriage. You'd love children of your own and a baby to cuddle close to your woman's heart.

You may or may not be Chinese or from Hong Kong. You might easily be in Singapore, Malaysia or Taiwan. Really, your location doesn't matter at all -- for these instructions, these tips and advice are universal to all people... you could be a Filipino overseas worker - OFW - DH or any young woman, wanting love and romance! Yes..

Single women and women that are casually dating - listen: Capture his Heart is a step-by-step guide to getting and keeping a man’s love. These clear, fun videos are designed to help any woman, Asian or Western, become the intoxicating temptress that the man of her dreams can’t resist.

You, the increasingly seductive customer, will learn dozens of tactics for awakening your inner woman's siren, including how to maintain your sexy inner grin, how to seduce a man using only your eyes, and how to make conversation like you are making love. These quality videos are jam-packed with over 20 hours of tips, tricks, tactics and valuable womanly content....


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The big advantages:
A quiet, slow man is usually very stable, not just emotionally, but also (very frequently) financially. For some people, this is a huge benefit. In other words, you get to be the dynamic, whirlwind person and he provides the grounding for that. You won’t be competing with him for attention, either.
Also, a man with a slow, deliberate approach can be quite a pleasure in the bedroom :) He’ll take the time to get you where you want to go.
The potential problem:
The reason some women don’t like the slower-paced guys is because it just takes them forever to make a move! You might get frustrated at having to wait on him all the time. And if you’re hoping to commit within a short time-frame, you might have to pass this guy on by.
But not necessarily! Men secretly yearn for commitment and marriage and in Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever, I teach you how to turn that yearning into a truly primal need.
Slow-paced guys are usually pretty happy for you to lead on making moves, for one thing. So be SURE to communicate openly and clearly with him on the important stuff. This means you have to know what you want, of course, so if you’re not clear, GET clear.
And when it comes to commitment, the key to working with a man like this is to let him know your timeframe. If you hope to get married within a year after starting to date someone, you need to be able to let him know this in a non-threatening way.
Best to you, Marie!

Beautiful women in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Macau Island, Taipeh, Singapore and Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur and even in NYC need NOT despair. Don't be sad. Learn from this fresh, new video course about using your womanly powers and guile to your advantage - finding love, romance, marriage and children. It is ALL in your Heart and Mind.

Geoff Dodd
G & G Creative Enterprises, Hong Kong 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dating Advice The Tao Of Badass

The Tao Of Badass Dating Advice Hot!

How to make out with a girl in 40 seconds or less – for real!

If you've ever seen a guy in a bar walk up to a girl he didn't know and make out with her almost immediately, it can be a completely mind-blowing experience. It may seem like it's magical or out of reach - a special ability or super-power that someone is born with.

But it's not. And it can be broken down into a few simple steps you can follow in order to make the same thing happen for you. In this article, I'm going to break down those steps.

The first step is to realize that about 90% of the difference between someone who's really good with women and someone who's not so good or mediocre with women, is the ability to spot a woman who's ready to make out.

I know it sounds kind of crazy at first, but it's true. If you walk into a bar and go up to any woman without knowing what signs to look for, your odds of success go WAY down.

You must know how to spot that woman who's already in this "make-out ready" state, so you can walk up and be "that guy."

Don't buy into the myth that women don't want this to happen.

Women are as sexual (if not more sexual) than guys are. Most of the time, this "turbo" make-out session never happens, because so many guys are afraid to go for it. And when this doesn't happen, the girls end up going home alone or worse.. staying being kind of mean to a lot of guys in the bar/being resentful and angry because no one's approaching them.

By putting this technique into practice, You want to discover how to see the women who you're able to make out with in 40 seconds or less in the first place.

There are a few excellent indicators that will (especially in a bar atmosphere) tell you if a woman is game, or ready for an instant make-out session.

What To Look For

The first indicator is a woman looking down often. When a woman looks down often, she is accessing her emotions.

Let me explain... When we look in different directions, we access different parts of our brain. These are called "Eye Accessing Cues." When a woman is in a bar setting and looking down, she's accessing her emotional brain.

If she makes eye contact with you, looks down then back up again, she's saying: "I have an emotional response to you looking at me and I'm looking down." And if she tilts her head down as well (and doesn't just use her eyes to look down), she's physically dropping herself a little bit lower and showing submission.

This gives you the ability to walk up and be the dominant man.

Now, if she looks at you, smiles and doesn't look away, this could be a lot more difficult situation. Socially, she's meeting you head on, and not showing immediate submission.

Women who you're going to be able to walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds or less should automatically take the submissive role as a woman. That's one quality which shows you'll be able to quickly make out with her.

Another quality is that she's actively looking around to make eye contact. This is crucial. A woman who is engaged with someone specifically and she's not looking away is not going to be as easy to seduce in 40 seconds or less. It's going to take much longer.
Again, you're going to have to play a totally different kind of game when you walk up. You can't just walk up and make out with her.

So instead, if you see a woman who is in a conversation but she's constantly looking around and trying to make eye contact with a lot of people, this is probably a very, very likely opportunity for you and that's a woman you can walk up to and immediately become sexual with.

Other traits are revealed in the way they're moving and how they're dressed. Let's say she's standing with her feet about shoulder-width apart. It's less likely that a woman standing like this is going to be available for you to walk up and dominate. That's because she's standing in a dominant position, with stronger body language and she'll probably be a lot more resistant.

Instead, you want to find a woman who takes up less space. She has her legs closer together and seems to be outside of a group, looking around a little bit.

Another thing is the way she's dressed. If she's dressed in a way that's super flashy and attracting lots of attention, she probably isn't the kind of girl you can walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds.

This kind of women is looking for attention - not for someone to dominate them. What you want is someone who's in between "I don't care" and "Stare at my tits, bitch!" Somewhere between wearing sweatpants with an elastic waistband to the bar and done up really, really beautiful and sexy with a really low-cut shirt. You want to find someone who's in between those two extremes.

A lot of women who are on vacation fall into this realm. They don't want to over dress or under dress, and don't know how the bar atmosphere is going to be. They'll usually come in open-minded, and start looking around trying to make connections. This is an excellent situation for you (and her, of course).

That's what to look for and how you spot her in the first place. If you see some of those, you want to watch her for a second. If you think that she is the kind of person you can walk up to and do this, then proceed.

If not, I'd actually suggest you proceed anyway, just to see what happens.

Next, right after you get that done and you've seen your girl (there are probably three or four of these girls in a bar at any given moment) you're going to walk up and start the scary part.

What To Do
This is where the most powerful kind of frame control comes in. It's very, very important that you understand how to control someone else's frame if you want to come across like you're a pro at this.
By "frame," I basically mean their "reality." You're controlling what they experience. You have to be able to stay in control of that experience in order to really bring her to the level where she feels comfortable making out with you immediately.

I'm going to give you a very quick, punchy, fast way of doing this. I'll explain as quick as possible; that way you can go straight out and try it...

Here's what I would say, word-for-word... Walk up to a girl, when you get up to her and right when she makes eye contact with you, I want you to SLOWLY put your finger up by your lips and say this, "Shhh…"

Then slow your speech pattern down and deepen your vocal tonality. And immediately say, "Wait just one moment."
You can also say, "Stop for one minute." I suggest using a bit of NLP here. Whenever someone hears "stop," "wait," or "don't," they immediately register whatever comes after that.

So if I say, "Don't think of a black cat," what do you do? Immediately, you think of a black cat and whatever version of one you have in your head.

So if I said, "Don't try to make out with me," or "Don't make out with me right now," girls are going to be consciously hearing, "Don't make out with me," but their subconscious minds will be hearing, "Make out with me right now!"

You're attempting to sort of use real-life Inception to get making-out with you to be HER idea. She should be thinking, "I should make out with this guy."

Now, during frame control you'll be using a lot of these subconscious triggers in order to get this to go as fast as possible. Please only use this for good. There are lots of evil ways to use this.

Don't try to seduce women who don't want to be seduced. Again, that's one of the reasons why it's important that you notice a woman who really does want to be seduced by a man.

So to recap so far: you walk up, you put your finger over your lips and you tell her to "Shhh" for a second and then you say a sentence that starts with "don't" or "wait" or "stop."

My typical is "Don't worry... right now." That's all I say. And I slow that speech down – "Don't…worry…....... right now."

Then I go right into the next statement, which is, "You and I are going to have a secret. We're going to secretly kiss and no one will know."

And as I'm saying this, I'm leaning in... and you'll be doing the same when you do it. You're leaning in ever... so... slowly. At the same time, you're looking from her eyes down to her lips and back up to her eyes again.

This is called "Triangulating." Count to three looking at her eyes, then look down to her lips and count to two, look back up and count to three, look down and count to two... etc. Do that about three or four times as you're talking.

This can be a lot to remember, so you may want to practice it a little bit. I wouldn't expect you're going to get it perfect the first time.

So again, you say, "We're going to have a secret. We're going to kiss and no one is going to know." From here on out, you're really just filling up space with words as you're leaning in so you're still controlling the interaction.

So you're going to very, very slowly, take your right or left hand – whichever one is more accessible – and reach around her back. You won't pull her in toward you or anything yet, just touch her very lightly.

Signs That It's Working

Is she looking at your lips? If she's looking at your lips, you have a green light to go forward. If she's looking at your eyes, you may want to wait a second, or turn around and turn back again and try it again.

This resets the meter in her mind, so to speak. When you turn around and turn back again, most people consider this to be a fresh start in a conversation. It's a strange loop-hole in psychology.

For some reason, that's how we are as humans. When someone turns away then turns back, we give them another chance moving forward. So if you're getting some resistance, turn around, turn back, smile, and continue. If she gives you resistance again, you probably should back off and find another woman.

If she's looking at your lips and seems to be very comfortable and excited, then proceed. You'll move in very closely and speak almost directly into her ear.


In a loud environment like a bar, you'll want to speak louder, but don't raise your voice. Make your voice very low so that you have to be very, very close to her ear for her to hear.

Then you're going to keep talking... What I usually say is, "No one is going to see this. It's just going to be our little secret. I promise I won't tell anybody only if you promise that you won't tell anybody either."

As I'm saying this into her ear, I make sure that she's feeling my breath on her neck. So I'm sort of breathing out a little bit more than normal as I'm speaking so she can feel that hot air on her neck.

This usually gets a very visceral, deep, sexual response from women when you do this.

As you're speaking really close to her ear, you'll, very slowly, press your cheek against hers as you're talking. Then you'll move you head over so that your mouth is closer to hers, and then... you'll start kissing her.

And if you do this right, you start out with just one soft peck... then go straight into making out. It may not seem like it in this description, but 40 seconds is a long time. This process can happen in a lot less than 40 seconds - I've done it in less time, and I've seen other guys do it, too.
Practice It
What I want you to do is practice this approach. Maybe go for a minute or two at first, and then get to where you can do this in about 40 (or even 30) seconds.
You won't use this tactic all the time. But when the opportunity is right, it's really good to have this in your seduction arsenal. You want to make sure that you have the right kind of tools for the job, so to speak.

Whenever you see a girl who's in that state and ready to be seduced, if you beat around the bush, engage in small talk or generally waste time, she'll be turned off and you've lost a golden seduction opportunity.

Instead, when you spot this, you want to be able to see her, know that that's what she wants, go in, and give it to her immediately. This is the major difference between guys who are rock stars at walking up and seducing a woman... and guys who wish that they were great at quickly seducing a woman.

There are a lot of other success factors as well. There are techniques on how to speak with the right tonality... how to touch her that allows her to feel comfortable and doesn't turn off any of her weird alert switches... specific NLP triggers that you can use to connect and make sure she's totally in your zone.

What's taken me from a normal dude to a well-respected dating coach, is knowing a lot of short-cuts like this and knowing when to bring them out. And these short-cuts can also improve your game with women.

Remember these characteristics in women who want to be seduced, and remember – it is possible to make out with a woman in 40 seconds or less.

Discover my other top 3 "Seduction Secrets" in this special video presentation.

Joshua Pellicer

Mobile access here:

Mobile phone users, please scan this QR Code immediately, just above, for instant access to your preferred, private services. Thank you for visiting us today at Beautiful Woman Hong Kong.
Geoff Dodd


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hong Kong Mid Levels Wealth Creation

Hong Kong Mid Levels Wealth Creation

The Mid Levels in Hong Kong are residential areas of very tall, luxury apartment buildings, on the steep slopes of Victoria Peak. Access is by taxi, special occupier shuttle buses, and of course the famous Hong Kong cable car. This is all reminiscent to the writer, of Wellington City in NZ which has a Mount Victoria and a cable car to Kelburn, to Victoria University.

The mid levels are occupied by wealthier people. These might include Chinese business owners, professional people like doctors and lawyers, and ex-pat British and Western people who are in Hong Kong for specified periods like one to three years, for example, working under contract to either large business corporations or HongKong government departments. Entrepreneurs and business affiliates may have accumulated large private Wealth and have a luxury apartment or a condominium in this prestigious area of financially booming Hong Kong. Wealth creation is really what this Chinese city is all about. Note the tall financial buildings for The Bank Of China (Hong Kong), The HSBC and The Hang Seng Bank as well as the American Citibank, Standard and the Government of the HK Special Administrative Region.

Traffic problems in HongKong are minimal, thanks to the public transportation systems, including the MTR where a universal Octopus Card gets you around... also on public buses, mini buses and in some food outlets. Generally the City has the traffic problem solved and so business people can move freely, goods can be transported faster, tourists can really enjoy a shopping visit in the vast shopping malls of this duty free zone of Hong Kong, an administrative region of China, since 1997.

I took the Malaysia Airlines Airbus A380 from Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong in August of 2013. I love the smooth landing into the Lantau Island based, HK International Airport. This is one of the busiest airports in the World, when you consider the added export trade from mainland China. Booming is a constant trend for the large, modern, advanced city of Hong Kong. Thanks for reading my brief article. The Mid Levels in HK is a popular spot for lovers, too, who often take their romantic, engagement photos from the very top of Hong Kong's Victoria Peak. Commerce continues below... and don't miss the City's laser light show at 8pm.

Geoff Dodd

Sunday, October 20, 2013

China Hong Kong Work With 2 Multi-Millionaires

China Hong Kong Work With 2 Multi-Millionaires

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Success Formula Of Geoff Dodd For Strategic Success

Supposing you desire a higher income, a better car, a larger house for the family and a whole lot more recreation time and world traveling. How would you go about financing it? Money is on everyone's to do list. If you'd like a real life answer, then prepare to change a little. Use your intelligence. Apply a method, a principle like the Success Formula Of Geoff Dodd For Strategic Success and then you will be increasingly successful in all areas, due to your increased mental focus.

The same Success Formula applies for Hong Kong, China, South Korea and Japan. Asian Internet business builders will discover a lucrative new marketing leverage here..

List building is revolutionized. Why is that? Because our server side technology will multiply your usual rate of list-building by a factor of up to five times! Yes, 5x the speed of marketing list building, for follow-up. Beauties in Hong Kong will love the tips on psychological mindset, mentors and even marketing system. Everything in LIFE is marketing, using your beauty and your undoubted intelligence, girls.

Finally, men will love the high converting marketing system's profitability and the networking access to true, American-based, real expert "web traffic" specialists who can make any one of your web properties a raging SUCCESS  -- whether it is based in China (mainland), Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore, Korea, etc. Malaysia is booming online now, too...

Thank you,
Geoff Dodd