The Meaning Of Beauty
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder...and I totally agree. The psychologist Abraham H. Maslow, PhD, 1954, viewed beauty as a higher value, a 'B' value of Being. This grouped beauty with truth, love, harmony, honesty and integrity. Maslow said that self-actualizing people had more moments of these higher values. He described 'peak experiences' in these terms. We now have come to realize that this type of perception is chosen as an individual focus. You can choose exactly what you want to focus your mind on. That habitual practice will start to shape and determine the outcomes of your life.
The law of attraction states that what you think about, is what you become ... and what you focus on, is what you get. The same applies to beauty and beautiful people and to objects of art. What does that authority, WikiPedia say?
"Beauty (also called prettiness, loveliness or comeliness) is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of ... pleasure, happiness.... "
Quote from Beauty Wikipedia
A Short Story About The Perception Of Beauty
You will hardly believe this story. I was out on the back lawn playing with one of our three dogs, a pomeranian. Suddenly, I noticed a dead mouse on the lawn. It was a tiny, baby mouse and I could smell the decay of death... "Arghhh!" You say, repulsed by this image. Then slowly, several large blow flies arrived to lay their precious eggs......then 10, 12, 20. Scintillating rainbow colours flashed and glinted off their hard, shiny bodies. I was looking at a microcosm of beautiful irridescence......surreal and mind-manifesting, transporting me back to early life images, seen somewhere. It was a scene of constant movement, glittering metallic-like rainbow colors. I realized immediately that it's all in the mind, this thing of BEAUTY. What you focus on, how you THINK about the object, determines the aesthetic part of your perception.....
So, there's a lesson about the meaning of beauty. It's definitely in the eye of the beholder. How many of you would have been disgusted by that scene? 98% I would think... I saw unparalleled beauty in the dead baby mouse and the flashing community of blow flies that inhabited it - for a few fleeting moments of priceless time. I looked at the world through totally different eyes ...